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Rachel Smola '22 Receives Outstanding Review for her Original Composition

St. Cecilia Academy
We would like to recognize, Rachel Smola '22, who entered her original composition, "Harmony of the Winds" in The National Association for Music Educators' Young Composers Contest!
We would like to recognize, Rachel Smola '22, who entered her original composition, "Harmony of the Winds" in The National Association for Music Educators' Young Composers Contest! She received a multipage evaluation. Her evaluator said, "Thank you for your beautiful work! I particularly appreciate the creative instrumentation- this is the first chamber orchestration I have seen that includes two guitars and mandolin. Thank you for thinking outside the box! Please continue to do so as the field of music education needs emerging composers, such as yourself, to think broadly about who might play their music and how."

We are so thankful that you have shared your talents with us Rachel, and cannot wait to see where they take you!