Campus Life


List of 22 items.

  • Ambassador Board

    Students are chosen for the Ambassador Board, whose primary purpose is to assist the Admissions Office with recruiting throughout the year and to represent St. Cecilia Academy at various school, campus, and community functions.  The High School Ambassador Board consists of sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The Junior High Ambassador Board members are eighth graders.
  • Baking Club

    The Baking Club aims to celebrate the joy of baking and develop members' baking skills by hosting baking classes, bake sales, baking competitions, and more.
  • Book Club

    The Book Club was formed to create a community for students with a common love for reading. The Club allows students to broaden their literary horizons outside the classroom by encouraging members to read unique pieces of literature each month and discuss selected works during club meeting time.
  • Chess Club

    The Chess Club provides students with knowledge of the game and time for students to practice.
  • Crochet Club

    The Crochet Club provides a space for expression, creativity, and education as students learn crocheting techniques and form a community.
  • Culture of Belonging Club

    The Culture of Belonging Club is an organization that celebrates and brings awareness to the many aspects of different cultures to create a culture of belonging at SCA. Some of the Club’s biggest projects are the International Festival, Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration, and the various Black History Month events.
  • Dance Company

    The St. Cecilia Academy Dance Company is a student group that choreographs and performs dance presentations throughout the year at various Fine Art events. Dance Company members must audition before joining the group.
  • Finance Club

    The Finance Club teaches basic principles of budgeting, saving, and spending through games and projects.
  • Honors Groups

    St. Cecilia Academy is a member of the following honor societies:
    - Mu Alpha Theta
    - National Art Honor Society
    - National Honor Society
    - National World Languages Honor Societies

    To participate, students must meet the criteria required for each honor society as determined by the faculty, staff, and administration.
  • Math Team

    The Math Team is open to any student who enjoys mathematics and is interested in developing and improving problem solving skills. The Math Team gathers monthly to practice and prepare for annual math competitions.
  • Minds in Motion

    Minds in Motion is a club that strives to bring awareness to mental health by hosting guest speakers and initiating activities that promote positivity and teach the wider SCA community about the human mind.
  • Pep Club

    Pep Club is an organization that promotes school spirit and supports and encourages attendance at and participation in athletic and other school functions. Pep Club meets monthly to determine ways to support athletics at St. Cecilia, coordinates and executes pep rallies, and assists with the planning and execution of Spirit Week.  Pep Club is open to grades 7th through 12th.
  • Philosophy Club

    The Philosophy Club encourages students to grow deeper in their knowledge of philosophy by studying and discussing teachings from select philosophical movements.
  • Robotics Team

    The Robotics team emphasizes STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) through competing in the FTC (First Tech Challenge) competition(s). The team designs, builds, and programs a working robot for the FTC competition and also participates in various outreach programs throughout the year to educate elementary and middle school students in and around Middle Tennessee. Interviews begin in the first months of school and no prior knowledge of robotics is required.
  • Service Club

    The Service Club plans hands-on service activities once per quarter and organizes drives and interactive fundraisers for various organizations, including Mary's Meals and Relay for Life. It is open to all students seeking ways to serve their community.
  • Sodality (Christian Devotion and Service)

    The Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an organization whose members are involved in activities designed to develop a living, conscious, and active sense of their own faith, and to extend this awareness to others. Projects of the Sodality include group activities of a liturgical and charitable nature, such as the “Mercy Nights” held each semester that offer praise and worship, adoration, confession, dinner, and games to students in the Nashville area. Promotion of personal prayer and Christian witness is a main goal of this club, seen in weekly prayers of the rosary and teacher testimonies shared throughout the year.  All grades are welcome to join.
  • Speech and Debate Team

    The Speech and Debate Team is open to any committed student interested in developing skills in speech and drama. The team competes in many tournaments throughout the year and hosts a Forensics middle school tournament for area schools annually.
  • Student Council

    The purpose of the Student Council is to develop good citizenship, to promote harmonious relationships throughout the school, to improve school morale, to assist in the management of the school by giving input to the administration, to provide a forum for student expression, and to promote the general welfare of the school. These goals are achieved by the careful planning of various events on campus, including but not limited to Scarab Factor, the schoolwide talent show held each spring; Father/Daughter Dance, a beloved tradition for all highschoolers; and Student Summit, a meeting held for students to present ideas that aim to create positive changes to the SCA community.
  • Theater Guild

    This organization is designed to allow a broad-based, behind-the-scenes experience in theater. Students assume responsibility for all aspects of St. Cecilia Academy's theatrical productions and oversee the technical aspects of the regular school assemblies.
  • World Languages Club

    St. Cecilia offers a French Club, Latin Club, and Spanish Club where all students can learn more about customs and traditions.
  • Writing Club

    The Writing Club focuses on creating a thoughtful space where students can develop their writing skills, learn different writing styles, share their writing, and participate in writing contests.
  • Youth in Government Organizations

    St. Cecilia Academy provides students hands-on experiences with the following Youth in Government opportunities:
    - Mock Trial
    - Model UN
    - Student Council
    - Youth Legislature